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    Monday, January 19, 2009

    Windows worm numbers 'skyrocket'

    Infections of a worm that spreads through low security networks, memory sticks, and PCs without the latest security updates is "skyrocketing".

    Speaking to the BBC, Graham Culley, senior technology consultant with anti-virus firm Sophos, said the outbreak was of a scale they had not seen for some time."Microsoft did a good job of updating people's home computers, but the virus continues to infect business who have ignored the patch update.

    "A shortage of IT staff during the holiday break didn't help and rolling out a patch over a large number of computers isn't easy."What's more, if your users are using weak passwords - 12345, QWERTY, etc - then the virus can crack them in short order," he added."But as the virus can be spread with USB memory sticks, even having the Windows patch won't keep you safe. You need anti-virus software for that." More on the BBC

    Visit the F-Secure website or blog for more details and updates about the worm.

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